Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ira Glass has a crush on us!!

In preparation for the Crush party, we always have a lot of fun discussing all of the various people we have a crush on...many of them rather unattainable. And then, we create a list of all of these crushees and write letters to them (or their agents as the case may be), expressing our admiration and on them and inviting them to the Crush Party.

Now, I don't really pay much attention to celebrities in general and I don't really watch tv or many movies, so I don't usually get too excited with this portion of the Crush Party preparations because I usually end up having to send off very insincere letters to celebrities I have never heard of informing them that I have a crush on them. But this year, I sent a few letters to some of the celebrities I really do have a crush on, one of them was Ira Glass. I didn't really go into how much I really do have a crush on him because I am frankly kind of intimidated by him and didn't want to say anything stupid so as to start off on the wrong foot. So, I added just one cordial sentence about Lupec's collective crush on Ira Glass.

Dear Ira Glass,
We have a crush on you. There. We’ve said it. We are the women of LUPEC Denver (Ladies United for
the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails). We are all hip, vivacious gals who find new and interesting cocktails on which to educate ourselves every month. Our organization is what might happen if the Junior League and Modern Drunkard had a child. And, as we said earlier, we have a big ol’ crush on you and
all of the other This American Life contributors. Your soothing voices calm us when we get worked up about the injustices in the world and your eclectic stories inspire us to look at life from new and interesting angles.

With these letters, we don't really expect anything in return, but a few days before the crush party, we received the following forwarded note from the Lupec mothership in Pittsburgh:
From: Ira Glass <ira@thislife.org>
Date: October 17, 2007 10:25:18 PM EDT
To: info@lupec.org
Subject: October 20th

Hi there Lupec -

I just today got a letter from Gail Bransteitter inviting me to the party on the 20th. While of course I support your important mission, I'm afraid I can't make it to Denver for the party.

I'm honored that the ladies of Lupec would deign to have a crush on me and my radio co-workers.
Are you auctioning off stuff people send you? Is that why you want me to send something? We have This American Life tumblers - suitable for all sorts of cocktails and decorated with illustrations of various favorite stories.
Maybe someday Ira would consider including lupec in an episode, that could make up for the fact that he didn't make it to our party! For now, I'm going to pretend like this episode, 'I enjoy Being a Girl, Sort of' is dedicated to Lupec.

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